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Spread Widget

English ⇓ ⇒ Snippet  WordPress The Spread meaning as a financial term:

European countries are referring to the german performance of their internal state obligations TITLES which are called: Bund and the related obligations issued in the other countries. We have in Italy the BTP

Just suppose you buy 10000 Euros of Bund obligations to be paid back in one year from the german Bundesbank and also suppose that the german sale price, we call that Asta, sets that at a rate of interest of 3%, well at the end of one year you will capitalize 10300 Euros back from BRD

Now if I do the same in Italy I might get 10650 Euros capitalized at the end

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Start Web Design

Blog readers bumping in this blog of mine might have missed the reason why I started this blog, actually I have exceeded the initial target to SHARE offer my experience in using WordPress software and monitoring SEO & Web Design Layout Options & Templates ⇐  I can’t get rid of my teacher’s role, but apparently I see no other way to make a point and start filtering all

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Search Engines

Is there a perfect way to implement web pages’ content, or features to match niches of interests, in order to fetch the targeted visitors for specific websites?

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